Songs - Nothing Turns Out As Planned - Chapter 2

Joss Stone - L-O-V-E .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Thursday 14 October 2010

Bye bye!

Well I xTomMarvoloRiddleX or Chloe have left Fanfiction! Sorry! But school is a TOP priority! Crimiology courses need pretty good grades! Like, REEEALLY good grades!

So some of you's have noticed a change then huh? In the title? Yeah, well my friend Rebekka or 'BubblesMania' or as she is currently known as 'LeaveItUnspoken' link -->  LeaveItUnspoken FF profile

I won't delete my account, the reason for that? Well I don't really know how! D: But I may come back to it in the future! You never know!

Thanks for reading my stories and I've made some great friends! I'll continue to read any stories that are suggested and I'll still recieve emails about updates so... yenno! I'm not leaving FF yet, just the story writing!

THANKS! Big love xx

P.s This blog will be taken over by LeaveItUnspoken but I'll go on from time to time, let you's all know what I'm up to!

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