Songs - Nothing Turns Out As Planned - Chapter 2

Joss Stone - L-O-V-E .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Wednesday 13 October 2010

New story on the horizon...?

Well well well! It's been a while to say the least! I'm changing Fanfiction accounts! Someone seems to have hacked my other one! :S
I'll post that in a wee while, after I get it set up and that.

I have to say, I'm in love with The Marauder era in Harry Potter lately. I've wrote a few wee rough drafts for it and I hope to get stuck into it.
I also have a few more chapters for Fawn Leaf Frewr and my Twilight Fic WolfGang. Remember now? Hahha yeah.

Hope to get organised soon and get my new account all set up.

Thanks for your patience. And if you have none.... PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE! :D

P.S Have you seen the new Harry Potter trailer? I cried. :'(

Tres sad! There is supposed to be an accent over the wee 'e' but I lost my wee sheet telling me how to do it :'(

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