Songs - Nothing Turns Out As Planned - Chapter 2

Joss Stone - L-O-V-E .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Saturday 16 October 2010


Hello! Rebekah/LeaveItUnspoken here, well I've been busy writing/re-writing these past few days! And I've thought of updating another story too - OnTheRun, which is a story where Jacob Black is basically on the run from Bella, but some mysterious girl is with him. OH! Under the category Twilight.

Updates - FawnLeafFrewr (new name under way!) Is well underway! It's been re-written, (for copywright reasons) and well be more stretched out, I feel it's all went by too quickly. The story layout that is, so I've slotted some more chapters in here and there and lengthened them. So far I've got 5. Not a lot but I plan to write more tonight.

                Wolf Gang I haven't touched the other chapters, I've added on a few more plot lines to the nots I received but apart from that I can not wait to get the bext two chapters out! They are full of action :O Can't wait to see how this plays out!

              The new story - Nothing Turns Out As Planned? (possible title) The mysterious story of a mysterious girl called Dominique Aurora Whyte and her  family history, contains a lot of Pure Blood mania. Idea sprung from the BBC film The Other Boylen Girl actually.

Well! I've been very busy writing, hope to post some of the latest chapters tomorrow or perhaps Monday 7pm (GMT) Thanks for reading!


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